Monday, May 23, 2011
Fox 5 news repoter comes to garrison elemetery for people blogging
When I heard that the fox 5 news reporter Cristina Lee was coming to our class I was so happy I was getting out a peice of paper so I can get her auto grapgh, but I never I my life got to see the real people from the fox 5 news so I was so happy.But when christina lee got to garrison elementery I was so supprized becuase I thought mr.schwartz was lieing that she was going to come and when out side of the school he said to get out our science packets out so that he would look like a really good teacher.When they took thier packets out he said for the bloggers to get on the compters and go to there blogs and when I got on my blog he said I could not go on my blog becuase he did not get permison from my parents.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Usually the only games I play are violent games and they are the funnest game to play when I bored or upset about something. The rest of the nonviolent games I play are on the computer on internet like games butler, max games, and game sloth. The ten top video games that I am going to talk about are Halo 3, Black ops, Grand Theif Auto Liberty City,Flood Runner 3, Medal Of Honor Limited Edision,Assasign Creed Brother Hood,Bike Races,Tank Wars,Red Dead Redemption,and Modern Warfare 1.
Monday, May 2, 2011
It all started when we woke up on sunday may first. It was the day of my cosins birthdayand it started at 4:00 pm and we still had more time to do many other things. But out of all the other things we could have done we chose one and that was to go to the Del Mar Marina on Camp Pendleton. We went to my old sailing class place and rented a pedal boat. We had to have a guy untie the rope to let us take off on the boat and pedal out to the place we wanted to go. We were pedaling out for about 20 minutes and stopped for a while. we started to drift and look for a whole bunch of cool things. We started to pedal back for about 15 minutes and saw something that Lyla wanted to stop and look at. And instead she wanted to put her feet in the water and jump in the water. She jumped in and climbed back up onto the boat. After that we went back to the docks and rented kayaks. When we got the kayak, the man helped us get up onto the kayak. he held the kayak while we got up on them. I was the second person to get on a kayak then my mom and Nate got on a double kayak. When we went out far enough to see a whole bunch of things we saw sailors with their boats just gliding in the direction of the paddle that they used. We saw a seal that swam right past us and rested on the rocks. We had a water fight with our paddles. It was everybody against everybody until mom said not to get her wet because she had her phone in her lap. We laughed and had fun. Once we saw the nice looking seal lyla wanted to pet it and the seal wanted to play with her. Lyla was in love with it. Then the seal went on shore to dry off. After that it was time to back and check them back in. It was a fun half day. Then we went back to the house, shower and get dressed up for a party. The party was for our cousin, but his birthday was on a wensday so they went to the universal studios in los angles before wensday. After the party at the universal studios in los angles they wanted another one at their house with very few people and it got out of hand very fast. The first out of hand thing was the kids dumping water on each other and the funniest part happend during the dumping water thing was when I hit my stepfather with a water ballon. When I hit him, his glass of achohol spit all over him and it startled him. After he spilt the achohol all over him my sister was laughing at him so I joined my sister and started to laugh at him and when everybody saw it they laugh too. Then the war was still on and when my sister shut the gate she was going crazy on everybodys butt and one of the water ballons she through hit the side of my head so I went so crazy I just hit the water ballons on everybodys head. The last ballon was in my hand and everybody ran from me and my ballon and I chuct it at my sisters face and shy was crying so hardand I could tell why shy was and it was because shy had the worst red face in the world it look like a red ballon.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
My sisters birthday was a good birthday party just not the best party I have gone to. Out of my whole life I have gone to better ones were the parties are the best and funnest parties with all there is games and races. But anyways the first people to come to the party were my cousins from eygpt. Then ten minutes later the rest of the family came exept for my cousin that lives twelve minutes away from our house then next thing you know my cousin comes twelve minutes later and it as just like a mirickle.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Fishing Trip
My Dad and I went on the best fishing trip. But we had to wake up at 4 in the morning just to get there. We had everything ready to go the night before and were ready as soon as we woke up. The night before, we packed up the bait, tackle box, rods and the cooler with our lunch and snacks in. The lake we went to was called Dixon Lake. Its a lake in Escondido that I have only been to twice. The other time we went we brought my cousin Paige. We messed around with the bait the whole time. This time it was just me and my Dad on a paddle boat all around the whole lake except for Trout Cove. My favorite place to go to was Catfish Cove. It is because I could see all the fish that were swimming around and we knew where to throw the bait to. The only sad thing is that we didn't catch anything. First place we went to was in the middle of the whole lake. And we got some big bites over there. The next thing my Dad had to do was put the anchor down in the middle of the lake and we started to drift by the buoys . The only thing that was really weird for one of the rules was that you couldn't put your hands in the water because it was drinking water. When we were by the buoys we barely had any luck on any fish. Next place we went to was just a random place that I picked. we eventually saw a person catch at least a 7 pound large mouth bass.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Renisons Fair
The renisons fair was on of the most funnest pirate and other things people think are really boring in a way and at first I thought it was going to be the worst fair I have been to in my life. When I got in the fair there was a really weird women that said to come in the middle of the park and all the kids had to meet the queen so she could meet all of the children and give them a treat. The weird thing in the fair is that the people come up and ask people random things and I think that is really kreapy.
When we got in the fair the parade was about to start and we were just in time to see all the good things.
After the parade I told my mom to go to this store has many swords and bows come with arrows.
For a second I wanted to buy something, but I thought I might as well just look for other things in the fair and not just spend it on only one place and not look for other cool things. After we went to the sword and bow and arrow shop we just walked around and saw this weird show going on and he was saying a fake story about gum and pirates and the pirates use to use and chew gum.
Then he tolled a story about this pirate chewing gum in a battle and won everybody because the gum gave him magic powers and I already knew it was not real and was telling a fake story just to get the childeren. But it was a very fun day.
When we got in the fair the parade was about to start and we were just in time to see all the good things.
After the parade I told my mom to go to this store has many swords and bows come with arrows.
For a second I wanted to buy something, but I thought I might as well just look for other things in the fair and not just spend it on only one place and not look for other cool things. After we went to the sword and bow and arrow shop we just walked around and saw this weird show going on and he was saying a fake story about gum and pirates and the pirates use to use and chew gum.
Then he tolled a story about this pirate chewing gum in a battle and won everybody because the gum gave him magic powers and I already knew it was not real and was telling a fake story just to get the childeren. But it was a very fun day.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Have you ever had a vacation you thought was going to be a boring trip? That is the feeling I had on my family vacation.The trip we went on started nine days ago and I thought it was going to be a boring family vacation trip then I changed my mind.
The first part of the trip was not so easy. Sitting by my sister in the car was the worst thing that ever happened on the trip. On our way to Las Vegas we stopped at Calico Ghost town.
Then we had to keep driving. But once we got to Mandalay Bay hotel it was even worse carrying the bags and suitcases that we had. Once we got to our room it was time to put our swimsuits on and go to the wave pool. At the beginning when we got to the pool I thought it was going to be to be the coldest water we had ever been in. But when we got in it was warmer than we thought it would be. After we went to the pool it was time to go to our hotel.
Then when we got to our hotel it was time to get dressed and go to dinner at a place called hot and juicy crawfish. They dump all the food on to the table and everyone eats with their hands.
But before we got our dinner we thought of a couple Yo mama jokes. After we ate with our dirty little fingers, we went to the Freemont Experience in old Las Vegas. It was really cool even though we have been there before.
There is loud music and lights everywhere up and down the street. Finally that day was over and we went to sleep. The next day we swam some more and celebrated mom's birthday. The next day we went to the pawn shop from the tv show pawn stars, we went to a magic shop in the New York New York hotel while my sisters and step father went on the roller coaster. When we were in the New York hotel I was carrying around an energy drink and everybody was staring at me. I bet they were thinking the kid was too young to have it. But, I thought they were just crazy people. The next day we headed to Utah but before that we went to Bass Pro Shop. All the things we got cost more than $50. And that was not really expensive for me because I had $100.
When we got to Utah we stopped at the Dinosaur Discovery Site.
We saw ancient dinosaur tracks that were as old as 195 million years old. It was cool but boring at the same time. Then we drove to a hotel and went to the movies. In the morning we went to Zion National Park. I was surely excited to be there and I wish we could have hiked a little more up the hill before we left. We had to go on a bus that took us to some of the places where we hiked. One time on the bus we saw doe running in the fields and eating the grass off the fields.
We stopped and bought hiking sticks and used them to climb Zion Mountain.
The mountains were as big as half of one of the twin towers and waterfalls were coming off of them. We also took a stop next to the virgin river to touch the water and see how cold it was.
We also hiked along the river. It started raining as we were hiking. After we were done hiking we drove to the back gate and took a picture with the sign at the entrance of Zion.
After that we decided to go to my grandmother's house in flagstaff Arizona.
It was a long drive and Lyla had to go to the restroom but there was no place to stop so we pulled up along the edge of the road. Lyla ran out of the car like a little girl and stood up peeing like a boy. It was funny for the whole ride till we got there. Everyone in the car was laughing. But nobody was laughing when the secret farter was stinking up the car. Nobody would admit who was doing the farting.
When we got to the house in Flagstaff, it was dark and cold. We were thankful to be in that house because it was nice and the heater was on. I turned on the TV to MTV and watched Silent Library. After that it was time to brush our teeth and go to bed. The next day it snowed and we played outside. I went looking for obsidean and other types of cool rocks that I might find after the mudslide that happened. After two days we went to Gilbert Arizona.
In Gilbert my Uncle, Aunt and cousins were waiting for me on the street corner. They chased our car to their house. They were very excited to see us and once I waled into that house they were screaming crazy and were talking their mouths off. I could only hear the kids screaming and yelling so I just said Uh ha, Ok, ya, that's cool the whole time my cousins were talking. After that we thought we should play and Alex Rider Storm Breaker game. The game can hold more than 100 games at a time in one chip. So We played multiplayer on mario cart balloon battles. They would cry every time if I wasnt on their team. Then we went to sleep. The next day my mom decided to stay another day. On that day my mom, Nate and my sisters we to the movies to see Soul Surfer and I went to my uncles house and played moderdwarfare 2 and watched Step Brothers. When the movie was over we went fishing. The only person who caught a fish was my step father Nate. He caught a blue gill perch. It was very fun. when i was trying to make a ball of bread, my fingers would keep slipping because they were so numb. my fingers would never cooperate with each other. Next time I wish i could use worms and fresh bread instead of stale bread for bait.
We fished until dark and then went back to the house and played a game of bannanagrams. Once my cousins and sisters went to sleep I started to play Grand Theft Auto libery City. Then after 15 minutes of the game I had to go to bed.
Then the next day my uncle gave me a bag that had a hanger's belt and a new pocket knife. He said that belt would never break. I love that gift. Then it was another long drive of 6 hours to come home.
It was the most wonderful trip I ever went on and I had many energy drinks on that trip. Those were the best days of my life. When we got home it was time to unpack our bags. I just still wish I could have shot my uncles AR15 or M16 automatic air soft gun that I love. On my next trip I would like to go to Oregon or Texas or even Arizona again.
The first part of the trip was not so easy. Sitting by my sister in the car was the worst thing that ever happened on the trip. On our way to Las Vegas we stopped at Calico Ghost town.
Then we had to keep driving. But once we got to Mandalay Bay hotel it was even worse carrying the bags and suitcases that we had. Once we got to our room it was time to put our swimsuits on and go to the wave pool. At the beginning when we got to the pool I thought it was going to be to be the coldest water we had ever been in. But when we got in it was warmer than we thought it would be. After we went to the pool it was time to go to our hotel.
Then when we got to our hotel it was time to get dressed and go to dinner at a place called hot and juicy crawfish. They dump all the food on to the table and everyone eats with their hands.
But before we got our dinner we thought of a couple Yo mama jokes. After we ate with our dirty little fingers, we went to the Freemont Experience in old Las Vegas. It was really cool even though we have been there before.
There is loud music and lights everywhere up and down the street. Finally that day was over and we went to sleep. The next day we swam some more and celebrated mom's birthday. The next day we went to the pawn shop from the tv show pawn stars, we went to a magic shop in the New York New York hotel while my sisters and step father went on the roller coaster. When we were in the New York hotel I was carrying around an energy drink and everybody was staring at me. I bet they were thinking the kid was too young to have it. But, I thought they were just crazy people. The next day we headed to Utah but before that we went to Bass Pro Shop. All the things we got cost more than $50. And that was not really expensive for me because I had $100.
When we got to Utah we stopped at the Dinosaur Discovery Site.
We saw ancient dinosaur tracks that were as old as 195 million years old. It was cool but boring at the same time. Then we drove to a hotel and went to the movies. In the morning we went to Zion National Park. I was surely excited to be there and I wish we could have hiked a little more up the hill before we left. We had to go on a bus that took us to some of the places where we hiked. One time on the bus we saw doe running in the fields and eating the grass off the fields.
We stopped and bought hiking sticks and used them to climb Zion Mountain.
The mountains were as big as half of one of the twin towers and waterfalls were coming off of them. We also took a stop next to the virgin river to touch the water and see how cold it was.
We also hiked along the river. It started raining as we were hiking. After we were done hiking we drove to the back gate and took a picture with the sign at the entrance of Zion.
After that we decided to go to my grandmother's house in flagstaff Arizona.
It was a long drive and Lyla had to go to the restroom but there was no place to stop so we pulled up along the edge of the road. Lyla ran out of the car like a little girl and stood up peeing like a boy. It was funny for the whole ride till we got there. Everyone in the car was laughing. But nobody was laughing when the secret farter was stinking up the car. Nobody would admit who was doing the farting.
When we got to the house in Flagstaff, it was dark and cold. We were thankful to be in that house because it was nice and the heater was on. I turned on the TV to MTV and watched Silent Library. After that it was time to brush our teeth and go to bed. The next day it snowed and we played outside. I went looking for obsidean and other types of cool rocks that I might find after the mudslide that happened. After two days we went to Gilbert Arizona.
In Gilbert my Uncle, Aunt and cousins were waiting for me on the street corner. They chased our car to their house. They were very excited to see us and once I waled into that house they were screaming crazy and were talking their mouths off. I could only hear the kids screaming and yelling so I just said Uh ha, Ok, ya, that's cool the whole time my cousins were talking. After that we thought we should play and Alex Rider Storm Breaker game. The game can hold more than 100 games at a time in one chip. So We played multiplayer on mario cart balloon battles. They would cry every time if I wasnt on their team. Then we went to sleep. The next day my mom decided to stay another day. On that day my mom, Nate and my sisters we to the movies to see Soul Surfer and I went to my uncles house and played moderdwarfare 2 and watched Step Brothers. When the movie was over we went fishing. The only person who caught a fish was my step father Nate. He caught a blue gill perch. It was very fun. when i was trying to make a ball of bread, my fingers would keep slipping because they were so numb. my fingers would never cooperate with each other. Next time I wish i could use worms and fresh bread instead of stale bread for bait.
We fished until dark and then went back to the house and played a game of bannanagrams. Once my cousins and sisters went to sleep I started to play Grand Theft Auto libery City. Then after 15 minutes of the game I had to go to bed.
Then the next day my uncle gave me a bag that had a hanger's belt and a new pocket knife. He said that belt would never break. I love that gift. Then it was another long drive of 6 hours to come home.
It was the most wonderful trip I ever went on and I had many energy drinks on that trip. Those were the best days of my life. When we got home it was time to unpack our bags. I just still wish I could have shot my uncles AR15 or M16 automatic air soft gun that I love. On my next trip I would like to go to Oregon or Texas or even Arizona again.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
My life in the rainforest
If I lived in the rainforest I'd make a house out of bamboo, leaves and branches. It will also have a store to have free food for other people who don't have any food. They could trade other things that I might need later on that I need to fix things with. I would give them food and they would give me things i need. I would build a bathroom inside my house.
If I needed something to hunt with I would make my own bows using obsidean vine and a bamboo stick. I would make arrows with animal bones, shark teeth or obsidean. The traps that I would make would have to have a hole and then I would carve the sticks to make them sharp then I would put the sticks inside the hole. After I did that I would put leaves over the hole and put bait (meat) and the next morning I would check to see if i caught anything. I would hope to catch a wild boar, small rodents, and rabbits. I would eat them for dinner. If I needed a coat I would go hunting for snakes and sew them together with vines to make the outside of the coat. Then I would hunt rabbits for fur to make the inside of the coat warm. Then if I had enough skill I will have my own business to sell jackets and other needs. I could take requests for other supplies my rainforest friends might need.
For fun I would hunt and make weapons so that other people could have weapons to hunt on their own. The second thing i would do for fun would be to go fishing. I would make the rod out of bamboo then tie a vine to the tip of the bamboo and make a sharp hook out of an animal bone. If I had bait it would be meat because that might be the best bait to use. There would probably be a lot of fish there. There would be tropical and colorful fish in the rainforest. You could use poisin dart frogs for killing some of the animals you eat.
Monday, March 14, 2011
The birthday I went to was for our friends grandmothers birthday party. The only people that I knew was six people and those were the only people I hung out with for the hole day and I had the best time that I have not had in a long time. The first thing I did with my friends when I got there is do a free for all fighting in a jumpy my cousins had used from our other cousins live in Tumecula. We staied in there for about thirty minutes before the girls had to go to the jumpy. After they went for the jumpy like it was a gaint gummy bear and jump like it was the end of the world they were jumping for a longer period of time than we even had when we were in the jumpy. Then when we were watching them have there fun we had a plan to bring out the water guns and shoot them and we did so we could go right back in the boncing house and we had it for a long time and we were happy. They were so happy because when they were dried of they got to go back in the jumpy when they were dry and we did not care because we had been in there for much longer than they were in there.
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
We are doing a new thing in our class it is called TOKEN ECONOMY.Token economy is when the teacher buys toys and cool things to trade for a special amount of tickets the kids also can have a stand to trade crafts for tickets also and I have some pretty cool drawings of many different fish in the ocean like the dorado.You can also make picture books with lots of pictures or even books with many stories that has happened to you and some might be even a inbarising story that you have not even tolled anybody in your whole life.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Mardi Gras
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Space is miles and miles away from earth and we are one of the planets out of lots of planets.I still do not know how space got there and why we can not go unless we have an astronaut suit.There are many planets that are gas planets.The only thing that I want to see is an astroid shower. This is where I got the picture
Monday, February 28, 2011
My trip to the desert was the best time I had out of all the times I have been there in my life.
It was a brigth blue winter day and it was beautiful outside.Then it all started when we were at big five sporting goods.I asked the man at the front counter something and I heard people saying "he is really small" and I said "if I am look at your self in the mirror and see how tiny you are".My dad was about to smack me and leave me their and I saw it in his eyes. All I wanted to do is get the knife and leave but I could not buy the knife so my dad had to do it. I just wanted to scream so I gave the money to my dad and went to the front counter, payed and left. We were at the house and my dad said "come over here and cut something also use your knife" as he was washing the dishes. I cut my finger as I said in my head. My finger bled so bad I ran to the sink and washed it and it was still bleeding si i got a bandaid. Then it was all over. But, three days later my step dad was looking at it and cut the size of a middle finger was on his foot because of my knife.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
On of the best art stores in the world is Aaron Brothers.The reason why it is the best art store in the world is because they have kids coloring books,computer ink,frames,and sketch books and many more.There are big drawing pads for like $16.00 and small ones that are like $3.00. I also bought a small one and I am still on my ninety-fith page on the small art pad.The next time I want to go again might be in the next two days it is so good.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Hearst castle was a huge house that was owned by a atical writer that owned a publising company and many newspapers.He had a tennis cort,pool,indoor pool with real gold tile,and his own private zoo with many types of animals.
In the mission garden there was a grill and a well were you put money in for a wish.
The bubble gum alley is in san luis obispo were everybody puts gum on one of the two walls and people do creative things with their gum like make shapes or words.
This beach is where you can find elephant seals, big rocks and cool sea shells. It was on the bottom of the hill from Hearst Castle. It is cold in the winter and we were the only ones there.
We stayed in a house on this base during our vacation. We would spend more than one hour driving other places up north. I had my own room but I slept on the couch. Every time at night when I was in the shower we would hear frogs croaking outside in the creek. We tried to search for them but we never caught anything.
This is a place where I fished and got my new fishing rod and lures. After we bought the supplies to go fishing we went off the rocks but there was too much kelp so we went over to the pier by lots of boats and fished for a few hours. The lady said there would be cod out cause it was too cold for the other fish. When I was on the pier I saw a giant purple starfish hanging on the pole that hold up the pier.
This is a place where we saw art drawn on walls and doors.
This place called Solvang had viking looking houses and stores and I at the best waffle ever at a cafe. At one shop this guy never let my mom take pictures. And she was so mad that she told my sister that she couldnt buy anything because the man was so rude.
They have the best pink sprinkle sugar in the world and waterfall urinal in the men's room. When we got there the whole area was covered in valentine's decorations.
Shell beach has many caves and one of the caves even looks like many bats would fly out of it and instead of bats my step dad scared me bad. The sand is made of teeny tiny little shells. The have a lot of cool rocks. The have one of the best sunset sites to take pictures and videos. They also have seals coming close up to the shore.
This is one of the biggest rocks that I have seen in all my life. I have never seen anything like this ginormous rock. This rock is made out of little or medium sized rocks combined together.
This is the pretty sunset in the park.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
One of my favorite candy is called:google tamales.
The reason why I like hot tamales is because they are hot and they taste really good and some people hate them , but I disagree them.My reason I disagree with them is because it is so good I just can not resist.Then the next candy that I like is:
The reason why I like jolly ranchers is because they last about 2 or 1 hour to melt in your mouth.They are still worth it and I say that because they are just really awesome.The best one is the frozen beverages is because they have every flavor just in a smothy.Then my favorite candy that I like is call:
starburst.It is because the taste is so good they are like frozen pops on a stick.After a little bit they are like a ball of moshy pieces of gum ,but in a big ball.Then they will sitll be in your mouth for at least thirty minutues because after that time they are going to be aten by me.My other favorite candy that I like to eat is:
sour patch kids!I love sour patch kids the reason why I like sour patch kids is because they are sweet.Then after I eat a lot of sour patch kids it feels like my tooth gets shocked.Still it is so good they make the world go round for me.They are sweet in the begining then all the sweet is gone.They are covered in sweet sugar and after the sweet sugar is gone it is bald with no sugar.
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